The Great Divide

Difference between natural mineral water and packaged drinking water

  • Natural Water contains dissolved mineral salts or gases and is especially considered to be healthy to drink as compared to packaged drinking water.
  • Bottle at source is the focus that changes us from the rest. Each bottle comes from the purest source of the great Himalayas.
  • There is NO chemical treatment and human intervention in the entire prosess making its purity consistent from the source.
  • Just a small process of filteration in which no addition is done in which the natural minerals remains in water. Packaged drinking water on the other hand is chemically filtered.
  • The shelf life of natural mineral water is longer because of pure and natural consumption wheras the shelf life of packaged drinking water is short due to addition of synthetic checmicals added during the process.
  • Natural mineral water is healtier for body as no chemicals are added.
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